Egbert Mittelstädt
1963 - born in Frankfurt am Main
1981-86 - Studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences, Würzburg
1988-92 - Founded and built up the agency Inline, Würzburg
1992-95 - Studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Since 1995 - Freelance artist in Cologne with studio in the Eifel
1998-2000 - Lecturer at Academy of Media Arts Cologne
2003-2006 - Lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
Solo exhibitions, group exhibitions and performances (selected):
Global Light Project, work in progress
Global Light Project, work in progress
Lange Nacht der Museen, Museum Ludwig, Köln, Performance Garden, Ruth Prangen, (video, sound and real-time processing)
Atelier Geert Westphal, Köln, Lumosphere, kinetic light installation
Atelier Geert Westphal, Köln, The Cooperative Pulling Paradigma (media installation)
Trimetall, Köln, Lichtbilder (photography)
Theater der Keller, Cologne - Transit (panoramic stage projections)
Tanzfaktur, Cologne, Camera Lucida, (Performance Installation from Yoshie Sibahara)
Anhaltisches Theater, Bauhaus Dessau - Sonnenwind aus der Magnetophäre (Performance with Carolina Eyck)
Theater Magdeburg, Promethées, (Light Piano / Light Production with Guido Petzold)
Kurt Weill Fest, Dessau, Prometheus (Light Piano / Light Production with Guido Petzold)
Bunker K101, Cologne, Camera Lucida, (Performance Installation from Yoshie Sibahara)
Staging the Bauhaus, Dessau, Winterreise (Light Piano Projections)
ZKM, Karlsruhe - Art in Motion. 100 Masterpieces with and through Media. An Operative Canon, Elsewhere (installation and Video)
Atelier Padao, Düsseldorf - Re:loop_2 (performance)
Recombinant Festival, San Francisco - CineChamber (group exhibition)
Orangerie Theater, Cologne - Terahertz (performance)
Kommunikation 9, Düsseldorf - Re:loop (performance)
Heimart Festival, Izumo, - Tracer (performance) and Timeslices (performance)
Dagmar Schmidla Gallery, Cologne - Tracer (solo exhibition)
Golden Mask Festival, Moscow -
Rainbow Festival, St. Petersburg - Passengers (performance)
Fabbrica Europa, Florence - Timeslices (performance)
Stage Festival, Helsinki - Passengers (performance)
Dagmar Schmidla Gallery, Cologne - Interval (solo exhibition)
Tanzmesse, Düsseldorf - Japan Foundation, Cologne - Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf - Timeslices (performance)
Mutek, Montreal - CineChamber (group exhibition) and Räume (Performance with Biosphere)
TodaysArt, Bruxelles - Performance with Biosphere
Transmediale, Berlin - Steirischer Herbst, Graz - Cynet-Art, Hellerau, Dresden - CineChamber (group exhibition)
Artefact, Leuven - Performance with Biosphere
Atelier Nord, Oslo - Räume (Performance with Biosphere)
Plan 10, Cologne - Void Lab (performance/installation)
C.A.R, Art Fair Participation, Essen - 4442 Frames (group exhibition)
Museum im Glaskasten, Deutsche Video-Kunst 2008 Marl - Coming Home (group exhibition)
Schmidla & Voss Galerie, Cologne - Space 2 Space (solo exhibition)
Schmidla & Voss Galerie, Art Fair, Participation Art Fair, Cologne - Walking on thin Ice and more (group exhibition)
Kunst im Raum, Medtronic, Meerbusch - Abschweifungen (solo exhibition)
Köln-Art, Kreon, Cologne - Abschweifungen (solo exhibition)
St. Theodor, Cologne - Images Volubiles (performance)
La Geode, Paris - Insight Project (performance with Biosphere)
Diozesanmuseum, Regensburg - Discover Sudan (solo exhibition)
Disposition, Dagmar Schmidla Galerie, Cologne - Fahrt nach Turku and more (group exhibition)
Köln-Art, Participation Tease-Art-Fair, Cologne - Timaios and more (group exhibition)
Nemo-Festival, Paris - Elswhere 2 and more (video works presentation)
ZKM, Karlsruhe - Discover Sudan (solo exhibition)
Haus am Dom, Frankfurt - Discover Sudan (solo exhibition)
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück - Bewegtbilder / Passersby (solo exhibition)
RomaEuropaFestival, Rom - Performance with Biosphere
Improbable Movements, Centros Culturais Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro - Time Machine and more (group exhibition)
Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Streams of Encounter - Elsewhere (group exhibition)
Deutschen Video-Kunst, Marl - Elsewhere (group exhibition)
Siemens ICN, München - Mobile Dioramen (installation)
Ich Narr des Glücks, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf - Winterreise (installation)
Folie, Wandelhalle, Deutzer Brücke, Cologne - Vertikal (installation)
Sonderschau des Kunstmarkt Hannover - Trabanten (installation)
Kunsthaus Rhenania, Cologne, - Vertikal (installation)
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück - Trabanten (installation)
Kunstverein Bonn, Videonale - Trabanten (installation)
Spektakel, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund- Trabanten (installation)
World Wide Video Festival, Den Haag - De Fabrik, Eindhoven- Between End and Beginning (Performance)
Fuji Sponsorship Award at European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück 1995; Public’s Choice Award, INA, Paris 1996; Public’s choice Award, VOX Kunst passiert, Cologne; 1st prize, Backup-Festival,Weimar 2001; 2nd prize DNA Award, Frankfurt, 2001; special mention, Internationales Bochumer Videofestival, Bochum 2000; special mention, Preis der deutschen Filmkritik (German Film Critics’ Prize), Osnabrück 2003; Mention du jury, Rencontres Audiovisuelles MAP, Lille 2003; nominated for Tanz- und Theaterpreis, Cologne, 2009; nominated for the Deutsche Video-Kunst-Preis, Marl, 2010;
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